The focus is on our case study, the British film company Working Title. The study day lead by Wendy Helsby, editor of the Understanding Representation resource, and freelance film and Media teacher and lecturer.
The day covers the reasons why Working Title is such a successful British film production company and the significance of its contribution to British film culture. We discover how a production company works, its relationship with its audience, the importance of distribution and marketing, and its position in relation to Universal Studios in the USA. The day includes a presentation from Working Title personnel and a panel discussion when you can ask questions, followed by a screening. Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994, dir..Mike Newel) was screened but you cannot use this as an exam reference as it is too old. For our case studies we must refer to films made in the last 5 years.
This is an excellent day's preparation for your summer exam, adding several new texts to our spread and enabling us to contextualize our research. You will receive a copy of the teacher's hand outs with all the additional information provided by Wendy Helsby.
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